For this assignment, I chose to do a survey on Full-Time Post-Graduate Degree Experience.
Since the program I will be evaluating deals with students pursuing full-time post-graduate studies, I felt it would be helpful to survey some people who had experience in that area.
I sent my survey out to four people with master's degrees in a variety of fields, and then using their answers as well as their feedback on the survey, I adapted the survey to achieve better results on the information I wanted to collect.
The original survey can be found here: Full-Time Post-Graduate Degree Experience Survey (Pre-pilot Test)
The adapted survey can be found here: Full-Time Post-Graduate Degree Experience Survey (Post-pilot Test)
Changes included wording to increase consistency (i.e. post-graduate instead of graduate in some places and post-graduate in others); the addition of the wording in the scholarship section to include bursaries; the inclusion of check boxes, rather than making the user write out yes or no and to make the follow-up questions clearer; changing the scale section into statements with a word scale instead of a number scale; and re-wording the second open-ended question to better reflect the answer I was looking for.